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Sunday, April 25, 2021

What to do to get approval of Google AdSense account?

Hello people!

Are you also struggling to get Google AdSense approval? Have you worked hard and done everything to get your site approved and still didn’t get approval? Let me tell you that getting Google AdSense approval is a pretty tricky task. Some webmasters easily get it within 2-3 days and for some, it takes a week, month, or even a year (yes, believe me). So, why, what’s the reason that the site doesn’t get Google AdSense approval? All these questions are quite important to understand if your site is also struggling to get AdSense approval.

Google AdSense
I welcome you to this blog where you’ll be learning about the tips and tricks to get Google AdSense approval. But before that let me tell you the reasons why a site doesn’t get approval:

·        Having short and irrelevant content

·        Adult content

·        No sitemap

·        Pages such as privacy policy, disclaimer, about us, contact, are missing.

·        Site is not responsive

·        Less traffic

·        Imperfect SEO

…and so on. These are few reasons which you just read. Let me tell you that Google considers a lot more before approving your site for AdSense.

Let’s now get to the main part of this blog, which is what to do to get Google AdSense approval.

Here are some powerful tips for you to get Google AdSense approval

The given tips will help you know how you get approval from Google AdSense:

·        ✤ Quality content is mandatory

Today, producing quality content is no more an option rather it’s a need. And Google considers quality content as one of the main factors for getting the site approved. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have enough quality content on your website if you’re applying for Google AdSense.

There are a lot of people who think it’s ain’t important but for Google, this is the main thing which you should focus on for getting AdSense approval. So, make sure every time you write content should be authentic, relevant, unique, and informative.

·      ✤   Minimum to a maximum number of contents

This is one of the important things to keep in mind before applying to Google AdSense. Obviously, unless your site has content, where will you show ads. So before applying to Google Ads, your site should have at least 15-25 quality content to make sure that you’re taking it seriously and doing work with interest. Also, this is a good way to show that your site has articles to monetize. And the length of the articles should be between 700-2000 (or can go up to no limit).

·        ✤ Avoid using images with copyright

Since you’re producing content on site, you’ll also add some images to it, right. Now the problem comes when people use copyright images rather than free images. Let me tell you what people do – they take images from Google and put them on their site, which is actually a wrong practice. Google AdSense will not approve your site for such practice. Make sure you take images from free sites such as Freeimages, Pexels, Unsplash, etc.

·        ✤ Website age does matter

The age of the website doesn’t matter this is what webmasters think. I would say age does matter before applying to Google AdSense. Suppose, you made a website and after making a website within 15 days you applied for Google AdSense. Do you think your site will get approval? No guys, you have to wait at least a month before applying to Google AdSense. It shows that you’re working and have done enough work on your site.

Note: for learning interesting facts, you can subscribe Hindi Facts channel on YouTube. 

·       ✤ Create important pages

In the introduction I told you the reason for not getting Google AdSense approval and pages is one of them. Make sure your site has relevant and important pages such as Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Contact, About, and Sitemap. These are important pages without which you may see a delay in approval. All the pages are important to create because it shows the authenticity and users find it easy to know about you and easily reach you. Having these pages on site shows that you’re a legitimate business.

·        ✤ Make sure your site doesn’t have restricted content

Let me tell you that Google AdSense is very concerned about salacious content that publishers publish on their site. For example, adult content. Due to which Google penalizes such sites and restricts them from placing anything on the site. Same way Google AdSense does have a restricted list. So, if you have a website and you’re restricted then say goodbye to AdSense. You just can’t get approval anyhow.

Final overview

Finally, you have reached the concluding part of this blog. Getting Google AdSense approval is almost like achieving a trophy or winning a race. But it can only happen if you follow all the above-mentioned points. Don’t try to skip any point, if you think you’re all ok with these tips then you can go ahead and apply for Google AdSense otherwise works on the weak part.

Lemme know in the comment section whether you got approval or not.

Also, if you found this article helpful and informative then subscribe to this blog and contact us if you have any queries.



  1. I really appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Thanks for sharing us a great information that is actually helpful. Good day! google ads tricks


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