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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Patriarchy and the status of Women


I want to share my story with you all – until I was in school I didn’t come across the word “Patriarchy” I didn’t even know what enormous power men hold in this society and what status they give to women according to their own perceptions. Actually, I used to think this is normal because it happens in every family, right. But my perception changed drastically about society, about women, and people around me. You know why? It’s because of Literature. Yes guys, literature just changed my perception about everything. After reading literature, I became bolder, more skeptical, more pedantic, more concerned, more of anything a woman shouldn’t be according to men. And when I came to know about men and their nature, it was completely stupefying for me and I was like OMG how much ignorant I was.
Anyway, my whole motive here is just to tell you that when women try to raise their voice, when they try to speak out for themselves, when they put forth their views or thoughts, hardly people concern them. Why?  Because they’re women. And you know what, not only men perpetuate patriarchal ideology but there are lots of women (I have come across) who also carry these patriarchal ideologies with them and which is kinda shocking for me.  
Now, there would be many men reading out this article and thinking that they don’t support patriarchy etc. etc. So I want to tell you guys that not every male is a follower of patriarchy and I have met such people in my life too.
Let me now conclude this article by saying that women have been victimized since epoch now please stop damaging them with your hackneyed ideologies and thinking. Let them live their life the way they want to live, let them pursue their dreams, let them speak out their thoughts and impart their knowledge with you all. 
#Let's fight patriarchy and stop patriarchy.   

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