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Monday, May 25, 2020

Sexism: a gender discrimination!

fight sexism

Stop! You can't do this (why?) because you're a girl. F*** off!
You all might have uttered the word "F*** off" when gender discrimination happened to you. It is actually a usual thing which takes place in girls' life at different -2 levels. The way you talk, walk, eat, laugh, clothes you wear, the color of your skin, the shape of your body, and the person you talk to, all are defined by people or the so-called society (you and I) live in. Our society is filled with stereotypes that are being carried out by sexist people. This is sexism which can affect anyone but it affects girls particularly more.

If you remember then colors are too associated with girls and boys. For instance, pink color is associated with girls and blue with boys. Guys this is merely a stereotype that people are perpetuating (knowingly or unknowingly). I ask these people- where the hell it's written that pink is for girls and blue for boys.

Gender discrimination 

I personally don't like "Pink" Color and it doesn't stop me from being a girl. People must understand that their preferences are subjective and shouldn't be defined by others. Once you start perpetuating stereotypes you're doing nothing but making life more like a hell.

Guys, gender discrimination is not limited rather you can encounter it at job places too like girls are paid less for the same work; boys are paid high for. Why?

No matter whether you are at home or office or any other place, as a girl you'll always be discriminated. But the thing is you might not know the difference of discrimination unless you pay attention or are enough aware of it.

Taking an example of home - a boy child is taken care of more than a girl child. Why? It is only because the boy is considered to be what you call a 'Kul ka Deepak' (successor of the family). He will be loved by everyone in the family, he will be served a big glass of milk or anything. Parents take care of him more than a girl. I think this should not happen. Parents should treat their children equally. If not in an urban area, but this happens in rural areas or villages a lot. Any educated family will always refrain from doing so. Therefore here you just need to understand the difference and raise your voice to stop it and bring equality in society.

Another thing you must know that men and women both perpetuate and contribute to gender discrimination. Many women you'll encounter making fun of another woman (about body, shape, skin color, clothes a girl is wearing, etc.) I actually feel pity for sexist people because they're highly uneducated ones with no knowledge at all. And any educated person will never think of doing so or snigger at others.

Bring equality into a society 

Thereby, I conclude this article by saying that whenever you encounter such things happening around you, don't just sit quietly, rather raise your voice and fight against it. Guys, you have to eradicate the filthy thoughts and minds from society and make it a better place to live on.

#fight sexism/gender discrimination and bring equality in society. 

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